The next revel for which I have a flier was held in July A.S XII.

Revel Jul 1977 flier

You’ll note a little “sign of the times” at the bottom of the flier: this was the seventies, after all, even for members of the Current Middle Ages.

We took pictures of many of the active members of the shire at this time. In no particular order (except I’m first because this is, after all, my page):

Revel Jul 1977, Rhonwen

Rhonwen y Llysieuydd

Revel Jul 77 - Thorad, Robert, Charles

Thorad son of Bjorg, Robert de Spencer, and Charles of Galway

Revel Jul 77, Sis Scholastica and Bro John

Sister Scholastica and Brother John

Revel Jul 77, Amanda and Aegina

Amanda de Spencer and Aegina de Spencer, daughters of Robert and Leah de Spencer

Revel Jul 77, Sorcha (Ferelith)

Sorcha O’Melachlin

Revel Jul 77, Elaine and Thorad 2

Elaine of the Lion’s Tale and Thorad son of Bjorg

Revel Jul 77, Leah of Sherwood

Leah of Sherwood

Revel Jul 77, Margeurite, Willa, Bro John

Marguerite Ventemiglia, Willa Greyhand, and Brother John

(Completely parenthetical note:  I obviously need to clean these slides and scan them again!)


am Mor Salann Fasach July Revel (July 1977) — No Comments

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